
Who is Guidestar and what other services do we offer?

Guidestar is a NDIS service provider of support coordination and positive behaviour support. We also run a clinic that provides therapy, counselling, and assessment services. Guidestar Learning is the training arm of the organisation that provides external training for the disability, mental health, and community services sector. The Guidestar team is made up of experienced psychologists, therapists, positive behaviour support practitioners, support coordinators and learning and development specialists.  We are located in Pentridge Village in Coburg, Melbourne, Victoria. Visit our website at guidestar.au


I need to speak to someone at Guidestar. How do I do that?

If you email us at learning@guidestar.au our training manager will get back to you as soon as possible. They will also provide you with a mobile number so you can talk directly, or they will call you if you provide your contact details in the email. 


I did not get a certificate when I completed a module. Why?

To gain a certificate you must view every slide in the module, complete the quiz questions and complete any simulated role-play activities. Your certificate will then appear when you get to the last slide.

If you are viewing the module in full-screen mode, you may need to minimise it for your certificate to appear.

You can then download and save your certificate.

There is no certificate for completing a guide.

The platform is not working properly. I can’t open the modules or the module is freezing when I am using it. What is the problem?

Please contact us directly if you are having functional problems with the platform. We will endeavour to resolve your issue as soon as possible.

Some large organisations and companies have internal firewalls that block external sites. If you think this might be the problem, please see next FAQ.


I think my company or organisation has a firewall blocking your platform. What can I do about this?

Your company or organisation may have certain security settings in place that blocks unknown external platforms from being viewed. In the first instance, you need to speak with your own IT department and see if you can resolve the issue at your end.

If you cannot find a solution, please don’t hesitate to contact us directly via learning@guidestar.au

Products & Pricing

Can I sign up and log in without paying anything?

You can sign up and browse the site without paying anything. If you sign up and indicate you want to go on the mailing list, we will keep you informed of new eLearning products as they are released. 

You can then log in and look around anytime. You don't have to pay anything to do this. 


How do I purchase an individual module?

Select the module you wish to purchase from the Course Catalogue.  You can then purchase the module directly.

The platform will ask you to sign up before it allows you to purchase a module. 


What if I want to purchase the whole library?

This is entirely possible. Contact us directly and we will let you know the cost of subscribing to the whole eLearning library. You can organise payment directly through us and we will then release all modules for you. Subscriptions must be renewed annually.


What if I want to purchase the library or an individual module for multiple users?

Please email us directly and we will provide a quote to you based on your requirements. The more users you have the greater discount you will receive. Contact us via learning@guidstar.au


Can you customise your eLearning products to meet our organisation’s needs?

Yes. We can add, subtract or modify content to meet your specific needs. Contact us directly and we can discuss your needs and provide you with a quote.


Can you create a module for our organisation?

Yes. This is possible. Contact us directly and we can discuss your needs and provide you with a quote.


If I purchase an individual module, who else can I share this module with?

You are the only one that can access the module you purchase. The module is for your own learning purposes only. It is not okay to share your username or password with another person.

If others need to view it or you want to show it to a small group, contact us directly, and we may be able to make arrangement to meet your needs.